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“the ice cream stick lover"  
2022 acrylic on canvas
80 x 80 x 4 cm 

private collection

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“la vie en rose"  
2022 acrylic on canvas
80 x 80 x 4 cm

private collection

“the butterfly in my hand"

“the butterfly in my hand"  
2021/22 acrylic on canvas
120 x 80 x 4 cm 

private collection

woman portrait

"beautiful Anastasiya"
2021 acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 x 3 cm

reserved exhibition Volketswil


"beautiful neck"
2021 acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 x 3 cm

private collection

bella hadid painting

"portrait of Bella Hadid"
2021 acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 x 3 cm

private collection


“red mood"
2021 acrylic on canvas
100 x 120 x 4 cm


black girl

"girl in Lausanne"
2021 acrylic on canvas
40 x 50 x 2 cm

private collection


"black rose"
2021/22 mixed media on paper
20 x 40 cm

inkl. passepartout 30 x 60 cm 
private collection

portrait painting

"blond girl"
mixed media on paper and on acid free cardboard

Porträt 70 x 100 x 1 cm.JPG

auftragsarbeit portrait Tanya •Моя Тата•
2021 mixed media on paper and acid free with cardboard wooden frame
71 x 103 x 3 cm

private collection

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“black beauty"
2021 acrylic on canvas
50 x 70 x 4 cm

private collection

black and with

“black & with"  
2021 acrylic on canvas
70 x 100 cm

CHF 1880

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“the soul of the deer girl"
2021 mixed media on wood
20 x 20 x 2 cm 
private collection

"Es sind die Künstler, die träumen

für die Gesellschaft."

(Zitat Meret Oppenheim)


“my soul like a butterfly"
2021 mixed media on wood
30 x 30 x 3 cm
private collection


“the wish to be a princess"
2021 mixed media on paper
inkl. Passepartout 30 x 40 cm
private collection


#hotgirlseatingpizza serie No.03
2020 acrylic on paper 60 x 80 cm


#hotgirlseatingpizza serie No.02
2020 acrylic on paper 60 x 80 cm

portrait painting

#hotgirlseatingpizza serie No.01
2020 acrylic on paper 60 x 80 cm


“Sean Connery" i
con serie No.02
2020 acrylic on paper and acid free cardboard with wooden frame 61 x 81 x 3 cm
private collection


“through the sea"
2020 aquarell on paper, inkl.
passepartout 60 x 80 cm
private collection

2020 mixed media on canvas
60 x 120 x 2 cm

private collection

“see blooming" serie No.03
2020 mixed media on wood 
40 x 80 x 3 cm
private collection


“autumn nostalgia"
2021 mixed media on paper
30 x 60 cm

inkl. passepartout 50 x 80 cm 
private collection

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“ma belle"  

2020 mixed media on canvas 70 x 80 x 2 cm 

private collection


“beauty" she glares at her reflection

as she dares a new direction 🦋 (Patsy Ann) 

2020 mixed media on canvas 80 x 80 x 4 cm 

private collection

“female thoughts" two
2020 mixed media on paper
40 x 70 cm inkl. passepartout 
private collection


“with dotts"
2020 mixed media on paper, inkl.
passepartout 50 x 65 cm

CHF 380


“wild in my hart"
2020 mixed media on wood 
30 x 30 cm

private collection

black woman beauty painting

“our colors"
2020 mixed media on canvas 70 x 70 x 4 cm

portrait painting

“what lies beyond that horizon?"
2020 acrylic on canvas
30 x 40 x 2 cm 
private collection

portrait painting

“hello sunshine"
2020 mixed media on paper, inkl.
passepartout 60 x 60 cm

private collection


“purple skirt"
2020 mixed media on paper

CHF 380


2020 mixed media on wood 
30 x 30 cm
private collection

black girl beauty

“black girl"
2020 mixed media on paper, inkl.
passepartout 50 x 65 cm

CHF 380


“power woman" two
2020 mixed media on canvas 80 x 100 x 4 cm 
private collection


“power woman" one
2020 graphit on paper inkl. passepartout 50 x 65 cm

bouquet flowers

“blue bouquet of flowers"

2020 acrylic on canvas 

40 x 120 x 5 cm 

private collection

Es sind mehrer Bilder entstanden zu dieser "Blüten" Serie.


"with the power of a flower"

think like a flower

feel like a flower

have the power of a flower


“see blooming" serie No.02
2020 mixed media on wood 
40 x 80 cm
private collection

“red bouquet of flowers"
2020 acrylic on canvas 
70 x 100 x 4 cm 
private collection


“dream your dream"
2020 mixed media on canvas 
80 x 100 x 4 cm
reserved exhibition Volketswil


“something magical"
2020 mixed media on canvas 
80 x 100 x 4 cm
private collection


2020 acrylic, gold leaf on canvas
40 x 50 cm

reserved exhibition Solothurn

“withe rose"
2020 mixed media on canvas
80 x 70 x 2 cm 
private collection

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“woman with proteas"

2020 mixed media on canvas 

79 x 118 x 4 cm 

private collection


“cherry blooms"
2019 mixed media on paper
30 x 60 cm

private collection


2019 mixed media on paper
30 x 60 cm

reserved exhibition Solothurn

portrait painting
portrait painting

“edelweiss" twelve
2019 mixed media on wood 20 x 20 x 3 cm
private collection

“edelweiss" eleven
2019 mixed media on wood 20 x 20 x 3 cm
private collection




Es sind mehrer Bilder in der Collagen-Technik entstanden zu dieser Serie

Der Mythos um eine Blume, die ursprünglich aus dem Himalaja stammt

Eine der berühmtesten Geschichten über das Edelweiss handelt von einem jungen Mann, der sein Leben riskiert, als er eine steile Felswand erklimmt, um als Zeichen seiner Liebe und Tapferkeit Edelweiss für eine Frau zu pflücken.


«…es gilt als Zeichen glücklichen Muthes, wer sie gewinnt.»

kunstsupermarkt solothurn

“edelweiss" thirteen
2019 mixed media on wood 20 x 20 x 3 cm 
private collection


art video



“edelweiss" one
2019 mixed media on wood 20 x 20 x 2 cm
private collection


“edelweiss" two
2019 mixed media on wood 20 x 20 x 2 cm
private collection


“edelweiss" three
2019 mixed media on wood 20 x 20 x 2 cm
private collection


“my colors"
2019 acrylic on paper
 60 x 80 cm


“la catrina tatoo"
2019 acrylic on paper and acid free cardboard with wooden frame 61 x 81 x 3 cm

CHF 1480


“golden autumn" three
2019 acrylic on paper and acid free cardboard with wooden frame 61 x 81 x 3 cm
CHF 1480

portrait painting

“female thoughts" one

2019 mixed media on paper 30 x 60 cm 

private collection



“your magic"

2019 acrylpainting on canvas 90 x 90 x 4 cm

 private collection

portrait painting

2019 acrylpainting on canvas 70 x 70 x 2 cm 

private collection

portrait painting

“turquoise dress"
2019 aquarelle & acryl on canvas
40 x 40 cm

private collection

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2019 acrylpainting on canvas 90 x 90 x 4 cm

 private collection

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“the dream has fallen"
2019 acrylpainting on canvas 50 x 50 x 4 cm 

private collection


"Schön sein bedeutet nicht, perfekt auszusehen. Es geht darum, die eigene Individualität zu lieben."

Zitat von Bobbi Brown

portrait painting

“orange dress"
2019 mixed media on paper, inkl. passepartout 50 x 70 cm

private collection

“passion africa"
2019 mixed media on paper, inkl. passepartout 50 x 70 cm

private collection

2019 mixed media on canvas
40 x 120 cm 
private collection



Links eine kurze Videopräsentation wie ein Porträtbild in dieser fast schon abstrakten Technik entsteht. 

Das Gesicht wird spontan ohne Vorskizze gemalt und wirkt dadurch sehr expressionistisch. Die Pinselführung ist durch die reiche Farbpalette gut erkennbar und widerspiegelt diesen kreativen Malprozess.

“the dream of the many colors"

artwork process video

portrait painting


“the dream of the many colors"

2019 mixed media on paper, inkl. passepartout 51 x 71 cm 

private collection

portrait painting

“golden autumn" two
2019 mixed media on paper and acid free cardboard with wooden frame 61 x 81 x 3 cm
private collection



“golden autumn" one

2019 mixed media on paper and

acid free cardboard with wooden frame 61 x 81 x 3 cm

 private collection

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